• Ways to Winterize Your Car

    Ways to Winterize Your Car

    The leaves have all fallen, the temperature has been steadily dropping, and before you know it, winter will be here! While winter means cozy fires, hot drinks, and cuddling up in warm clothes, for some, it can mean treacherous roads, expensive repair bills, and hours stuck in traffic. Although you may love the winter, your car does not. Don't worry, there are a few things you can do to winterize your car and make the cold season a little easier on your vehicle.

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  • Is It Cheaper To Change Your Own Oil? DIY vs Expert Oil Changes

    Do you want to change your car’s oil yourself or use a professional service? It’s a decision all car owners have to make with every oil change. We all wonder, “Is it cheaper to change your own oil?” and the answer seems to change from person to person. Learn whether changing your own oil is worth it or whether the professionals at Take 5 are the better choice.

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  • Why Do My New Windshield Wipers Squeak?

    Why Do My New Windshield Wipers Squeak?

    There are many possible reasons why your windshield wipers squeak, even if they’re brand new. The squeaking noise in and of itself is bothersome, but what’s worrying is that it might be a sign of worn-out or damaged blades. In this article, we discuss possible answers to the question “Why do my windshield wipers squeak?” and ways to nip the problem in the bud.

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  • Tips For Keeping Your Cabin Clean

    Tips For Keeping Your Cabin Clean

    While many people visit the car wash regularly to get their car’s outside sparkling, they often skip cleaning their car’s interior. Maybe they assume no one will see the inside of the car so they can afford to ignore it. Or maybe they figure that spotless seats and a shiny dashboard simply aren’t as important as a streak-free exterior. But learning how to keep your car’s interior clean is a vital part of your vehicle’s maintenance process. The interior of our car reflects ourselves, and we want to ensure that it always looks its best. Keep reading to learn about the benefits of cleaning your car’s interior and how to keep your car clean.

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  • How to Remove Tree Sap from Your Car

    How to Remove Tree Sap from Your Car

    Have you ever parked your car under a tree on a sunny day, only to return and find it spotted with stubborn, sticky spots? Tree sap—the bane of many car owners' existence. If you've ever found yourself frantically searching for how to remove tree sap from your car, you're not alone. This sticky situation is more common than you might think. It's not just an eyesore, it can damage your car's paint if left untreated. Keep reading to learn why this natural substance can be so harmful to your vehicle's finish, explore various tried-and-true methods for how to remove sap from your car and learn valuable tips on how to protect your car from tree sap in the future.

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